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Spine TB / Trauma Surgery

Tuberculosis can be liable for widespread spinal injuries. Despite the usefulness of medical treatment, surgery is designated to avoid or correct vital deformity, treat spinal volatility, prevent neurological compromise, and to get rid of an extensive tuberculosis abscess.Patients with spinal tuberculosis generally present with pain in the back. In addition, fever, inexplicable extreme weight loss and loss of appetite may also be present in some patients. Spinal cord involvement may be indicate by inequality or inelegance while walking or frank paralysis.


Spine TB Symptoms:

Low Back Pain:

Patients generally present with low back pain which is persistent in nature continuous and is aggravated with patient is continuous and is aggravated with patient is sitting in a chair which has no support for the back.Also the back pain of the patient is worsened by travelling on a jerky road aur a bumpy ride on a bike.

Spasm in Lower Back:

Patient feels that there is continuous spasm in his lower back. This is because the muscles get tightened in order to stabilize the slipping bone. Patients may have difficulty in turning sides in the bed especially during sleep. Also patients may have difficulty in bending forward, lifting weight and/or arching the back.

Pain radiation in legs and Foot:

As the Spondylosis progresses that could be symptoms related to compression of the nerves in the spine. This may lead to pain in the lower Limbs which radiate from the buttock area to the back of the thigh to the calf region and may go up to the ankles and foot of the patient. in advanced cases that could be weakness in the legs and also bladder bowel involvement,

Hamstrings tightness and muscle spasm:

Many patients come to spinal OPD with complaints of hamstring tightness and muscle spasms in the hamstring area of the muscles.

Spine Trauma Symptoms:

Now the question arises how do we identify that oneself or the concerned person is suffering from Sciatica symptoms.Sciatica generally presents with very typical symptoms which can be easily identified by key features.

Below mentioned list can be used as typical set of symptoms patient will usually present with in our clinical practice :

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    Low back pain which is radiating to one or both the legs.
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    Patient may complaint that her one leg is heavier than the other.
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    Complaints of tingling numbness or pin-pricking feeling in one or both the legs. Usually symptoms are present only in one leg only.
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    The symptoms are generally worsened by standing or walking and are relieved by rest.
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    Patients may complain of weakness in the Leg and may feel that Leg is not responding to commands properly.
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    In advanced stages patients may also complain of loss of control of bladder & Bowel.

Spine TB / Trauma Cause:

Prolapsed Disc
Prolapsed disc is the most important cause of low back pain and sciatica symptoms in patients. Prolapsed intervertebral disc refers to the Migration of the disk towards the back of the spinal canal.
Slipping of Spinal Bones
Spondylolysis refers to slipping of one vertebral bone over another. This slipping Leads to severe lower back pain patients and also in advanced cases leads to see Sciatica like symptoms.
Canal Stenosis
Canal stenosis refers to decrease in the diameter of spinal canal. Now the now the question arises what is the spinal canal? Spinal Canal is the hollow tube-like area at the back of the spine through which the spinal nerves pass.
Piriformis syndrome
Piriformis is a muscle in both hip regions. This muscle if irritated or spasmed may lead to compression of the sciatic nerve leading to a complex of symptoms included in sciatica.

Spine TB / Trauma Treatment:

Non Operative treatment

Non-operative treatment for spondylolisthesis or spondylolisthesis treatment without surgery is a fairly common choice of treatment

Endoscope Assisted

Multiple studies approve in that smoking who has a direct links with prolapsed intervertebral disc which in turn leads to sciatica.Quitting smoking.

Stretching exercises

Regular exercise is the key to good health and sciatica remains no exception. Regular exercise which includes strengthening of the core muscles of the spine.

Prolong Sitting treatment

Stretching exercises & back pain exercises can be practised by anyone.Yoga (asanas) are excellent stretching and strengthening exercises.